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where is the love????


Hi friendsi feel a lot of heaviness in this group due to hatretand envy.friends five things ego,lust,anger,greed and sense gratification burns us from inside and leads us to darkness.we all are slaves of these five things,we must therefore find a way to get rid of this and the only way is divine knowledge which comes from the supreme.as eatables are food for the stomach supreme knowledge is food for the soul.
God is one he created us all alikebut we fight for different reasons and one of them is relegion.he made men but now when he looks down it seems we all have become worms.swami vivekanand-all persons in different relegious paths walk on circumference of circle and slowlyget closer at the stage of enlightment reach the center.
I read some posts like"indian muslims are poor"."pakistan is no good place to live".it is painfull that we all blame each other but do not understand the gravity of situation.prolems are in every country but the big deal is what do we do to solve those problems.sitting in the net writing these things create hatret.it is always easy to condemn but to take responsibility and solve burning problems is difficult.no one wants to do difficult things today.
Britishers divided us,they took full advantage .but we still dont learn from history.remember friends it were the britishers first who took advantage of the hatret now it is going to be someone else.apart from this do you know we spend a lot of our budget in defence,think if it would had been used to develop to feed who are hungry how good it would had been.but it is not possible till we are slaves of false ego and anger.weshould come together boost our ties do good buisness and stop unnessacary arm's race.european union is an example.
I would advice everyone not to spoil the minds of young ones who are going to take the responsibilities of thier nations.
At last i would like to ask you people where is the one universal thing which is missing,which everyone likes,which everyone is entitled to get from everyone."WHERE IS THE LOVE"


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